Hardcore Norfolk

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The Way Back: OurX and the perfect summer of '91

Photos and memories courtesy of Wendy Creekmore Porter

We all have a year where we look back and cherish the turning point in our lives. Where new friends and popular culture come together to form the perfect summer. For me, that year was the summer of 1991 when I met William “Buddy” Cobb and his OurX bandmates. The Norfolk sound has been alive and well for some time, but in 1991, Grunge bands were becoming mainstream on MTV. My generation was able to identify with what we were hearing on the radio because we had been living it locally. This is the story of OurX, a Norfolk punk-grunge band that I had the honor of hanging around with during its heyday of 1991-1993.

In case we haven’t met, my name is Wendy Creekmore Porter and I was born in Norfolk but raised in Virginia Beach. Buddy and I both attended Kempsville High School in Virginia Beach, but while most of our peers were hanging out at the Oceanfront, our destinations were such landmarks as Cogan’s Pizza, 4400 Club and Friar Tucks. OurX consisted of Jon Davis (Vocals), Paul Jess (Drums), Mike Jensen (lead guitar) and Buddy Cobb (bass guitar). John, who attended Ryan Academy, and Paul, who attended Granby High School, met while skateboarding in Norfolk. Buddy and Paul worked together at The Music Man, a legendary independent music store at Military Circle Mall. Mike Jensen answered a bulletin board ad for an audition, and the rest is history. One of my fondest memories were their weekly practices that were held inside a rented storage shed on Military Highway; nothing like a good party inside a storage unit with cheap beer. Our friendship has lasted for almost thirty years with many of our children becoming friends. Mike and I attended Old Dominion University together, and Buddy would go on to Radford University. Paul, Buddy, and Mike all currently work in the IT industry and I work in education. Mike continues to perform and currently plays for The Dunes, who have released four albums. Jon Davis is a mystery, which knowing him, he enjoys. Jon, if you are out there and reading this, I hope you enjoy this tribute.

Note: click the thumbnails and the little white dot at the bottom of the photos to view larger photos and full captions.