Hardcore Norfolk

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5 Questions with Charlie of the Needles

by Dwight Easter

DE - What drives your writing process with The Needles?

Charlie - Lust, corrupt government, the world, lies, and Whiskey.

DE - What makes for a great performance within your band?

Charlie - Several cold ones and a great crowd.

DE - Who would surprise your fan base as a musical influence of The Needles?

Charlie - That’s a great question. I know Mick, the drummer, is into some really lighthearted crap but that may not come as a surprise. Luckily, he does not write the songs, haha.

DE - What makes for an ideal tour environment?

Charlie - A loaded gas card, free everything, and no rain.

DE - How would you best describe The Needles stagecraft?

Charlie - Me personally? Loud and sweaty. Gut is the on stage, all over the map demon, Will is the dancing pocket man, because he’s either in it or right on top of it. Mickey is one of a kind, and I’ve yet to witness anything like him on stage sonically. You gotta watch his face! I’d say overall, we are loud, sweaty, and on a good night crush it.

LISTEN: The Needles on Bandcamp

CATCH THEM LIVE: The Needles are playing in Norfolk on November 2nd, 2019 - Event Details

About Dwight Easter: Digital folk artist, family man and bread merchant. Some of the best moments in my life are experiencing the power and influence of great art. I came up in the Norfolk era of the M80’s, Buttsteak, and Antic Hay.